We start this week with Andrew's latest thoughts on the markets in the Dewing grain market report for week commencing 4th November 2019.
In this week's Farmchat Andrew and Claire are joined by Melinda Raker from YANA (You Are Not Alone), which supports those in farming who may be affected by stress and depression. Andrew fesses up to being almost part of the stiff upper lip generation and gets uncomfortable when Melinda ask him how he is, how he really is??! Showing how you can ask twice, so you don't always take the 'i'm fine' reply.
Andrew talks about losing a close friend to suicide and we hear about the different ways you can be aware of how to spot someone who might be depressed and the work that YANA is doing running mental health first aid courses.
YANA: Helpline - 0300 323 0400
Kate Bachelor has done 100 paintings for YANA - more info about the exhibition can be found here: www.kate-batchelor.co.uk
Merchant listeners: Don't forget to make your reservation for the Norfolk Dinner on 16th January. Contact emma@dewinggrain.co.uk to book tickets.
If you would like to sponsor the Dewing Grain Podcast please email: hello@tinshedproductions.co.uk
The Dewing Grain Podcast is co-produced by www.eastcoastdesignstudio.co.uk and www.tinshedproductions.co.uk