In this week’s podcast Andrew talks to Charles Bracey, a Norfolk farmer turned developer who realised there were more hours in the day than farming required and turned his strategic approach to house renovation and subsequently development. He has a fascinating take on diversification and spending your time wisely as well as seeing things with a different set of eyes from the blinkered approach that he believes he previously had. 

The Dewing Grain market report for the week commencing 24/09/2018 gives Andrew’s latest insights into the markets and in Farmchat, Andrew and Webby enjoy a drop of Beast of the East from Panther Brewery and discuss the delights of the USDA report and how that will impact on the market.

'A Different Set Of Eyes' Episode Sponsors
  • RTK Farming - the UK's number one RTK correction signal... by farmers, for farmers 
  • Crush Foods - oils, dressings and granola which are local, healthy and delicious
The Dewing Grain Podcast is co-produced by and

Dewing Grain - independent grain trader for Norfolk & Suffolk farmers.
01263 731550

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